Afternoon Tea with Sherlock Holmes!

Created by Eleanor 3 years ago
Bridie was the best friend anyone could ever have had.  She was certainly the best friend I have ever had.  She was there for me through the good times and the many not-so-good times I've had.  She always had a ready smile, a positive attitude and a faith stronger than titanium!  One of my happiest memories was of the time that Bridie and I were the first recipients of Afternoon Tea at the Sherlock Holmes Tea Room.   This was one of so many fond memories I have of Bridie.  I was so glad to have been able to see her just at her doorstep a little before Christmas.  When someone passes, we always use the word 'special' to describe them.  The word 'special' was made for Bridie.  She made this world a better place with all her good works and the love she freely gave.  My life was certainly better with Bridie in it.  I will never forget Bridie, because I will carry her forever in my heart.  With all my love, Eleanor xxx
